Grading Report - Taekwondo
The first Taekwondo grading of the 2023 year at Sun Bae Korean Martial Arts Newmarket (Brisbane) had 24 applicants passing to their next rank. Despite some very warm months during the training to prepare for grading, all students persevered. It always seems to be a challenging experience for students to perform under the watchful eyes of the examiner, Grandmaster Bradley Tatnell and this time was no exception. With the new changes in poomsae (pattern) from Kukkiwon (Headquarters of Taekwondo in Korea), it was obvious our Grading Examiner was closely checking each and every student's poomsae moves. It was satisfying to see all grading applicants had worked hard for the past three months and all performed well under pressure. Eight of the applicants were awarded 'Honours' and one double graded, not easy to achieve.
We welcome new coloured belts Charlotte, Taya and Yvette. This is the start of their black belt journey! We congratulate Matilda and Xanther, who are 1st Gup rank now — a great achievement, now one rank away from black belt. Sun Bae Newmarket also proudly welcomes junior black belts, Erika (age 12) and Anunt (age 11). They both achieved 'Honours' in their Dan grading, with a very strong poomsae performance. Their grading results truly reflect the effort put in. This of course would not be possible without the guidance of all instructors at Sun Bae Newmarket (Sabeomnin Kaisa, Chris and Steph). Thank you! I hope all students will continue to train hard and focus on improving technique, flexibility and strength together with self-confidence whilst staying humble.
I am very proud and happy for your achievements. Many thanks to all parents for your continuous support and co-operation.
...Sabomnim Shirly
- Yvette Ryan (yellow I)
- Tripp Hesketh (yellow II)
- Evie Hird (yellow II)
- Zac Allen (yellow II)
- Ellie Yeh (yellow III)
- Ethan Low (blue III)
- Leona Sharma (red I)
- Matilda Fenton (red III)
- Erika Novas-Trevorrow (1st Poom Bo)
- Anunt Ghoshal (1st Poom Bo)
Double graded with honours:
- Nathan Ryan (blue II)
Black belt:
- Erika Novas-Trevorrow (1st Poom Bo)
- Anunt Ghoshal (1st Poom Bo)