Taekwondo at sun bae
Taekwondo - the Way of Hand & Foot Fighting...
Sun Bae Costs include:
- Unlimited lessons - no restrictions.
- Free grading tests : the grading (examination) fee for coloured belts is already included in the training fee. You only need to pay a small fee for your new belt.
- Discount for permanent students (quarter fee).
- Discount for families.
- FairPlay voucher accepted for Training Fees.
- Families pay by instalment.
- Reciprocal rights to other centres (visit other Sun Bae centres for free).
- No periodical contracts!
- Only break at Christmas. We are open during school holidays.
Free Offers (tryout for free at Sun Bae - Taekwondo & Hapkido)
Try out at Sun Bae - Taekwondo & Hapkido - for free:
- 1 week FREE (no obligations - nothing to pay).
- Upon joining:
- FREE Taekwondo uniform
- 1 more week training FREE
- special extra discount for families (see below) - Train at any centre during the try out - as many times as you want.
Family — Special Extra Discounts
Sun Bae Korean Martial Arts has a strong family membership. We love families! We know how hard it is for families to afford one activity together — now you can! Below is a summary of the benefits your family will receive:
- 1 WEEK FREE TRYOUT (nothing to pay).
- JOINING FEE FREE for the 3rd, 4th & 5th family members.
- ANNUAL INSURANCE FREE for the 3rd, 4th & 5th family members.
- FREE UNIFORM (for all family members).
- 1 EXTRA WEEK FREE BONUS TRAINING (for all family members).
- 3 EXTRA MONTHS FREE BONUS TRAINING for the 3rd, 4th & 5th family members.
We know this is generous. Did we mention we love families at Sun Bae Korean Martial Arts. The first step is to try out for one week! Bring your friends!
FairPlay Voucher Accepted
Sun Bae accepts the FairPlay voucher as follows:
- for Training Fees (i.e. not used for equipment, insurances, etc)
- ongoing (use it annually), per person in family.
Children's & Adult Classes
Sun Bae has centres throughout Brisbane and also at Toowoomba.
Sun Bae has classes for children from age 5-11 (Tigers). Sun Bae classes introduce children to basic self defence training including stranger danger and street safe awareness, as well as Taekwondo and Hapkido skills. Classes are designed to be enjoyable, but are taught with discipline and a subtle style of strictness. Sun Bae develops each child’s integrity and character by encouraging confidence, courage, perseverance, courtesy and respect - not only inside but also outside the training hall. Class times for children vary at each centre and usually commence at either 5:00, 5.30 or 6:00pm. Sun Bae classes operate throughout the school holidays as well. In addition, as an alternative choice, it is possible for children to attend our evening or mixed classes (for adults) which normally commence at 6:00, 6:30 & 7:00pm. This allows families to train together.
As an extra interest, children also will be able to participate in Sun Bae's sword sparring classes. They wear protective equipment and use a soft foam sword. There are no grading for this style class, just a chance to enjoy the art of sword fighting. Its great for health and fitness and also for developing strength.
Sun Bae adult classes are for both men and women from ages 12 to 55+. Classes are typically different every lesson and include aerobic warm-up exercises, Taekwondo specific stretching, balance exercises, co-ordination exercises and the art of Taekwondo & Hapkido. You can progress at your own pace. No previous experience, fitness, or flexibility is necessary. Classes are great for friends, families and couples.
What is Taekwondo?
Taekwondo is the art of fighting with hand and foot - unarmed combat. It is a Korean Martial Art, originating from over 2000 years ago. It was first practised by ancient military in order to prevent invasions from neighbouring countries. Today, Taekwondo has been refined to an effective form of self defence, practised by over 70 million people in over 200 countries.
Taekwondo utilises strong kicking combinations and powerful hand striking, together with a systematic method of stances and footwork to evade or unsettle an attacker. It is well known for its powerful kicking techniques as well as it's spinning and jumping techniques.
At Sun Bae, Taekwondo remains a traditional martial art, even though a small component of its form has evolved into an Olympic sport. Together with Hapkido, a Korean Martial Art which emphasises close quarter hand techniques, throws, joint locks, holds and ground pinning, Sun offers a unique form of self defence.
What is Sun Bae?
Sun Bae is a Korean martial art club of Taekwondo, Hapkido and Kumdo (sword). With centres in Brisbane and Toowoomba, there are classes for Cubs (age 4-5), Tigers (age 5-11) and Mixed (11-55+). Classes focus on self defence where you can train at your own pace.
Sun Bae classes include Taekwondo and Hapkido together, a unique system. And there are separate classes for Kumdo (sword), including a sparring class for kids & adults using foam swords & protective gear.
Sun Bae incorporates the original systems of the Korean Martial Arts back into one: achieve your black belt each in Taekwondo, Hapkido & Kumdo. Our Master Instructor, teaching since 1983, has developed Sun Bae into a well respected club with traditional values, a great range of activities and friendliness with over 50% of the club membership represented by families.
Try out with our latest FREE offer. Read on to find out more....
Taekwondo Association Memberships
Sun Bae Korean Martial Arts and founder Master Bradley Tatnell are members of the following Taekwondo bodies:
- World Taekwondo (Federation): South Korea: has over 200 member nations and is the international governing body.
- Australian Taekwondo (Association): the national body for WT and Kukkiwon.
- Kukkiwon: South Korea: affiliated with WT, also known as World Taekwondo Headquarters, is where the official taekwondo governing organisation was originally established. The Kukkiwon is responsible for the progress and registration of all WT Taekwondo grading ranks. GM Bradley holds a Kukkiwon Certificate (as does every black belt student at Sun Bae) and in addition, is a First Class Kukkiwon Grading Examiner.
About our Founder — Grandmaster Bradley
Sun Bae’s Grandmaster, Bradley Tatnell, has been teaching since 1983. He is a master level instructor in Taekwondo, Hapkido and Kumdo. Grandmaster Bradley personally trains all Sun Bae Instructors ensuring you, as a student, receive the highest level of teaching quality and the latest in new techniques, passed down intact. Sun Bae was founded by Grandmaster Bradley and his history includes:
- 1983: Master Bradley became an instructor of Taekwondo in 1983, learning from the first Taekwondo master to arrive in Australia, Grandmaster Chong Chul Rhee.
- 1998: Master Bradley became an instructor of Hapkido, learning from the first Hapkido master to arrive in Australia: Grandmaster Sung Soo Lee.
- 2011: Master Bradley started to teach Kumdo, the art of Korean sword, to his Sun Bae Instructors.
GM Bradley is a Kukkiwon 1st Class Grading examiner.
Will Sun Bae Suit Me?
Previous experience, fitness or flexibility are not required. Age is generally not a factor and Sun Bae classes are designed for men, women and children of all ages. There are separate classes for children and adults. There are also mixed classes where families can train together. Sun Bae is a club. Classes are social, enjoyable and you can train at your own pace. There are also social events to enjoy. Making friends will be easy at Sun Bae - the classes are very friendly. Learn Taekwondo, but also learn Hapkido and even sword (Kumdo). Families make up about 50% of our membership and parents training with their kids is not uncommon. In addition, the membership split between girls and guys is also about even. Sun Bae is ideal for children, couples and families. Techniques are easy to learn and there is no end to your journey. You will get back what you put in...
What Benefits are There?
Benefits will extend in and out of the training hall:
- Taekwondo & Hapkido skills
- Aerobic fitness & self defence
- Body tone & strength
- Good health & stress release
- Co-ordination and flexibility
- Excel in other sports
- Street safe awareness
- Concentration & control
- Courtesy & respect
- Discipline
- Confidence & perseverance
- Academic improvement
- Polite conduct.
Who Will Teach Me?
Sun Bae’s Master Instructor, Bradley Tatnell, offers many valuable years of martial arts experience specialising in Taekwondo, Hapkido and self defence (teaching since 1983), as well as Kumdo. Master Bradley personally trains all Sun Bae Instructors ensuring you, as a student, receive the highest level of teaching quality and the latest in new techniques. All Sun Bae Instructors are highly skilled black belts with a long history of training. All Instructors are personally approved by Master Bradley and have successfully completed the appropriate Sun Bae in-house coaching programs. Sun Bae Taekwondo instructor minimum credentials include:
- Sun Bae Black Belt.
- Sun Bae Coach (Level 1).
- Member of World Taekwondo (Federation) or Kukkiwon:
- Member of The Korea Hapkdio Federation & Hapkido Moohak Kwan (Australia).
- Registered Blue Card (child check).
Sun Bae Etiquette - Code of Conduct
Sun Bae is a traditional martial art. Our students learn the "how to", but at the same time, they also learn the "when" and the "why". It is very important to us that the techniques learned at Sun Bae are not misused and Sun Bae students strive to better themselves, in and out of the training hall. To find our more about the Sun Bae Etiquette (Rules & Regulations), you can download our Student Handbook.
All instructors at Sun Bae are prepared for being COVIDSAFE. As part of our operations, all instructors have completed a Martial Arts Covid Safe course in managing their centre (certification shown in each centre listing).
In addition, we have provided some helpful training and attendance guidelines for all students to follow. Working together, we can stay safe and not be locked down again.
Sun Bae Social Scene
All our centres are extremely friendly. You will find existing students very welcoming and supportive. And there are fun social nights at class, a favourite being Halloween - a chance to dress up and play some team games for the obvious rewards!
Every year Sun Bae has an Annual Awards & Movie Night - a chance to reward dedicated students and achievement made during the year. The night is a lot of fun usually including live demonstrations as well as video footage from the students themselves.
To find out more and get a real feel of our club, read on with our Blog Posts in "News & Notices - The Latest", or check out the FaceBook for Sun Bae and also Master Bradley's.
The Latest (Blog History) Sun Bae (official) FaceBook
FaceBook Master Bradley Instagram Master Bradley
FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
There's always more questions - so we have put together a list of the ones most frequently asked. Read on...
Sun Bae Taekwondo Training Basic Elements
Students can train and grade in Taekwondo which includes:
- Stretching and Strengthening.
- Footwork & Stances (evasion)
- Basics (strikes, punching & blocking)
- Boxing (practical defence)
- Kicking
- One step sparring (practice fighting combos)
- Patterns (for co-ordination and harmony)
- Self defence (escape from from grabs)
- Board breaking (test techniques on timber)
- Sparring (controlled non-contact)
- Sparring (light contact with protective gear)
- Meditation (breathing)
Sun Bae Taekwondo Joining Information
Sun Bae Playlists - YouTube
Grading in Taekwondo
Grading regularly in Taekwondo provides our students with motivation and identifiable goals to achieve. Upon passing each level, students are awarded a new belt colour, until finally they attain their black belt!
At Sun Bae, a student may apply for three Taekwondo gradings per year. Each grading result is returned with a ranking of Pass, High Pass, or Pass with Honours - rewarding those students who are more dedicated and attend extra classes. It is also possible to double grade.
Skill is graded, but so is a student's martial art etiquette and their good character and behaviour. This is very helpful for young children, shaping their lives positively. And of course with new rank comes new techniques, the learning never ceases! Grading at Sun Bae instils patience and virtue, as well as self-respect.
And what do you have to do in your grading test? Your test merely shows the Grading Examiner what you normally do in class. The first gradings are very simple and easy, progressing in detail as you get higher and higher. You can find the Grading Requirements for each level in our Student Handbook.
Basic Training & Grading Elements (in detail)
- Increased flexibility allows dynamic kicking and harmony.
- Build core strength without gym equipment.
- Evade attacks without blocking.
- Strategise counter attacks with optimal positioning.
- Learn to punch, strike and block. There are many variations.
- Attain muscle memory, so your techniques become second nature.
- Learn practical street wise defence with boxing combinations.
- Practice on pads an with a partner.
- Advanced students can elect to box with protective gear.
Advanced Kicking by Master Bradley
- Defend yourself with the strongest & longest part of your body!
- Learn long range and short range kicks.
- Learn easy to use basic kicks.
- Learn powerful spinning, jumping and flying kicks.
- Develop personal combinations that work for you.
- Fixed position semi sparring.
- Develop control and technique.
- Develop combinations that work for you.
- Attain distance control awareness.
Beginner Pattern by Master Bradley
An essential part of any martial art - not so much for street practicality, but to acquire:
- muscle memory.
- breathing control .
- harmony - mind and body.
- core strength and conditioning.
- understanding how techniques work.
- display technical skill for grading tests.
- Non-contact. Some light contact at advanced levels.
- Develop control & combinations together with muscle memory.
- Simulation of fighting an opponent who moves and fights back.
- Learn to escape from grabs and holds.
- Learn to apply holds and grabs.
- Learn to pin your opponent on the ground.
- Apply joint manipulation, arm throws, body throws, trips, holds and pins.
- Learn distance control with full power techniques.
- Challenge yourself with different techniques.
- Display technique, distance control, confidence and power at grading test.
Taekwondo Photo Gallery