MASTER Ben Vickery
- Taekwondo 4th Dan (video action)
- Hapkido 3rd Dan (video action)
- Kumdo 2nd Dan
(click above for video action)
Master Ben Vickery commenced Taekwondo with Sun Bae as a white belt beginner in late 2007 at the Newmarket centre. He achieved Taekwondo Black Belt (1 Dan Bo) in November 2011, completing his full 1st Dan with honours shortly after. At this stage, Master Ben was also already training in Hapkido. He was immediately noted as someone who would undoubtedly become a future Sun Bae instructor and quickly moved up the ranks.
In 2012, Master Ben was appointed as the Club Instructor (Sabomnim) for Sun Bae Mt. Gravatt, in a temporary caretaker capacity. Later that year, he was permanently appointed to Sun Bae The Gap. His numbers quickly grew, proving to be a popular coach with his students. Under Master Ben's leadership and careful guidance the centre has continued to always host in excess of 50 students.
Sun Bae The Gap has performed outstandingly at the Sun Bae Annual Championships. In 2014, Master Ben lead his centre back onto the leader board for the first time since 2008. It has since appeared regularly on the leader board each year, notably placing runner up consecutively from 2016 onwards (the separation between the podiums sometimes barely a bronze medal). Assisted by Instructor Nicole, the continued domination at the Sun Bae Club Championships (a purely technical event) is hardly a surprise.
Master Ben has developed his Sun Bae centre into a wonderful local community with many families enjoying his instruction. Black belts trained by him also include his wife Nicole, assisting him since 2016 to become an integral part of his team as a Club Instructor in 2018. It is wonderful to now see many families training with Master Ben, some of whom have now reached their respective blacks belts.
The Korean Martial Arts of Sun Bae has never ceased for Master Ben, his goals set upon attaining black belt in all disciplines, including Hapkido and Kumdo. In 2016, he attained 1st Dan Bo Hapkido Black Belt, with honours. As part of the Sun Bae Demonstration team, Master Ben is often chosen to partner Grandmaster Bradley in Hapkido and has regularly featured in the team as a prominent performer. Following shortly after, his full 1st Dan performance was tested before 9th Dan Grandmaster Sung Soo Lee. His Kumdo Black Belt will surely follow in 2020, with trials and demonstration tests already passed. The next goal? Junior Master - Taekwondo, perhaps Master in all three styles eventually...
(click above for more info)
- Nicole Vickery: Club Instructor The Gap (3rd Dan Taekwondo)
- Andrew Shoebridge (2nd Dan Taekwondo)
Roman Castiglione (1st Dan Taekwondo)
Greg Shoebridge (1st Dan Bo Taekwondo)
- Freddy Babbage (1st Dan Taekwondo)*
- Junior Pullini (1st Dan Taekwondo)*
- Murray Jerome (1st Dan Taekwondo)*
- Margaret Wadden (1st Dan Taekwondo)*
- Elizabeth Shoebridge (1st Poom Bo Taekwondo)*
- Jordan Carter (1st Poom Bo Taekwondo)*
- 2014: Team Coach Silver (The Gap)
- 2106: Team Coach Silver (The Gap)
- 2017: Team Coach Silver (The Gap)
- 2018: Team Coach Silver (The Gap)
- 2019: Team Coach Silver (The Gap)
- 2024:
- No competition entries.
- 2012: Completion of Sun Bae Instructor Certification
- 2024: Master Course (South Korea)