The Gap Grading Results ~ Grading 3
Tonight The Gap celebrated their results from the 3rd and final Sun Bae Grading of 2019. There were some fantastic results, of 19 students who graded, 15 students received an Honours result. Well done to all of our students.

Our Results:
Nikolas Majlinder - 9th Gup *
Blake Mcfarlane - 9th Gup
Oliver Polden - 9th Gup *
Sophia Rhimes - 9th Gup
William Stanley - 9th Gup *
Lachlan Coogan - 8th Gup *
Timon Cai – 6th Gup *
Jing-En Lin – 6th Gup *
Ruby Patterson – 6th Gup *
Eva Ramia-Topp – 6th Gup *
Andrew Rhimes – 6th Gup *
Letitia Cadoo – 5th Gup *
Christian Roos – 5th Gup *
Finn Shuley – 5th Gup *
Zoe Stewart – 5th Gup
Roman Timms – 5th Gup
Zion De Jager Smith – 3th Gup
Natalie De Jager – 2th Gup *
Myles Proietti – 1th Gup *
* Honours