SWORD (Kumdo)
Kumdo - The Way of the Korean Sword...
Sun Bae Korean Martial Arts is a member of the Australian Kumdo Society.
Kumdo is the art of the Korean sword. At Sun Bae Korean Martial Arts, you can train in Kumdo and you can also grade in Kumdo to one day achieve your black belt. Kumdo is very similar to the methodology of training in Taekwondo or Hapkido. Beginners learn basic stances together with basic cuts and blocks before moving on to patterns, one step sparring and free sparring. Sparring is always conducted with protective gear and a soft sword. But at Sun Bae, you will also have the chance to use a real sword and practice your skills in cutting, usually on rolled bamboo mats or harvested bamboo poles, even apples and paper. Cutting is only permitted for students who have reached an appropriate level (for safety of course).
In Kumdo there is a focus on performing in a smooth flowing manner (like Hapkido). Correct practice in Kumdo will lead to strengthening of your core as well as most importantly learning to control tension and emotion. During classes, Kumdo often utilises meditation techniques and classes are often conducted with Korean pipe music in the back ground. Kumdo at Sun Bae will transform you to another world within the society of Korean Martial Arts.
At Sun Bae, students of Kumdo will always use a sheath for their practice sword, which can be wooden or a metal sword. Although, we recommend training with a steel (blunt) practice sword which sings, as this will more efficiently promote promote exactness in your technique. Training with a sheath will promote the ability to safely take your sword out and to properly put your sword away - essential for realistic sword exponents. Bamboo swords are used for one step sparring practice, an exercise which involves actual sword to sword contact. Normal sparring is performed with a soft practice sword, together with protective gear. The bamboo sword is used in sparring only for advanced levels (similar to Kendo).
Kumdo Training & Grading
Kumdo Trailer (90 secs)
Training & Grading
Students can train and grade in Kumdo. Kumdo gradings include:
- Basic cutting & cutting stances.
- Sword sheathing.
- One step sparring.
- Fighting patterns.
- Cutting patterns.
- Sparring (with protective gear & foam sword).
- Cutting (mats, bamboo & apples).
- Snuffing candles.
- Meditation.
Sun Bae Kumdo Joining Information
Playlists - YouTube
Grading in Kumdo
You can train casually and participate in Kumdo sparring. But you can also train regularly and grade in Kumdo. Learn the full system of Kumdo fighting as well as the excitement of live cutting. Traditional Kumdo training includes the following:
- Content: Stances, blocks & strikes. Draw and sheathe sword.
- Weapon: Steel sword with sheath.
- Content: A fighting form with technical combinations per grading level.
- Weapon: Steel sword with sheath.
- Content: Partner exercise to simulate combat.
- Weapon: Bamboo sword or Foam sword with protective gear.
- Content: Partner exercise - combat.
- Weapon: Foam sword with protective gear.
(advanced students have extra option for Bamboo sword with full body armour).
- Content: accuracy required in order to snuff the flame.
- Weapon: Wooden Sword, Bamboo sword or Steel sword with sheath.
- Content: accuracy & blade control required - cut the apple.
- Weapon: Live sword with sheath.
- Content: accuracy & blade control required - cut the bamboo matting.
- Weapon: Live sword with sheath.
- Content: A flowing form focusing on smooth relaxed movements to create Ki energy.
Sun Bae Kumdo
Training & Grading (8 mins)
Kumdo Pics