MASTER Shirly Sieh
- Taekwondo 4th Dan (video action)
3rd Class Kukkiwon Master & Poom-Dan Examiner - Hapkido 3rd Dan
- Kumdo 2nd Dan
(click above for video action)
Master Shirly Sieh commenced Taekwondo with Sun Bae as a white belt beginner in January 2008 at the Newmarket centre. She achieved Taekwondo Black Belt (1 Dan Bo) in November 2011, with Honours. In fact, she had been an exemplary student, achieving Honours in all her grading tests. And 2011 marked an important year for Shirly, also successfully completing her PhD study.
Master Shirly continued to train hard, involving herself in many Sun Bae activities. In 2013, she studied in France for a short period. Whilst away, she successfully competed in European and USA tournaments, warmly welcomed by clubs on the other side of the world. In 2014, she was appointed as the Club Instructor for Sun Bae Newmarket centre. Her numbers quickly grew, proving to be a popular coach with her students. In 2016, she was also appointed as the Club Instructor for Sun Bae Kenmore centre. Both centres quickly grew, a testament to her dedication and steadfast guidance. Following, she was promoted to Senior Instructor, highest honour in the club before Master level. Later in 2019, Master Shirly successfully recommended one of her black belts, Instructor Essi, to the rank of Club Instructor. Following, Instructor Essi commenced her first centre at Mt Gravatt.
Shirly's centres at Newmarket and Kenmore operate separate children and adult classes, the large following a direct result of her unending dedication and skill. Both centres have performed outstandingly at the Sun Bae Annual Championships, dominating the leader board since 2015. It is no surprise to see new black belts successfully grading under her watchful eye, both junior and adult - a fulfilling achievement for student and coach.
Master Shirly has continued her personal journey at Sun Bae also in the study of Hapkido and Kumdo (sword), attaining black belts in both. Upon doing so, she was the first girl at Sun Bae to achieve black belt rank in all three Korean styles. In 2016 she was appointed the Director of the Sun Bae Demo Team (Brisbane), performing across Queensland in fetes, festivals, schools, Sun Bae club events (Awards Night, etc) and has even featured on TV shows.
Master Shirly is a dedicated student and instructor at Sun Bae. We look forward to seeing her achieve the next step - Junior Master Taekwondo.
- Chris Gehrke: Assistant Instructor Newmarket (4 Dan Taekwondo)
- Steph Bennett: Assistant Instructor Newmarket (2nd Dan Taekwondo)
- Hannah Yang: 2 Dan Taekwondo
- Sam Yang: 2nd Poom Taekwondo
- Kevin Liemantara: 1 Dan Taekwondo
- Erika Novas-Trevorrow: 1 Poom Taekwondo
- Aunt Ghoshal: 1 Poom Taekwondo
- Jenny Qi: 1st Dan Taekwondo
- Brett Stone: 1 Dan Bo Taekwondo
- Anoushri Chand: 1 Poom Bo Taekwondo
- Kaisa Suomalainen: 2 Dan Bo Taekwondo*
- Shayan Alam: 1st Poom Taekwondo*
- Essi Suomalainen: 2nd Dan Taekwondo*
- William Vuong: !st Poom Taekwondo*
- Paul Clarke: 1st Dan Taekwondo*
- Jemima Rosario: 1st Dan Taekwondo*
- Kirra Bassett: 1st Dan Taekwondo*
- Andrew Buckett: 1st Dan Taekwondo*
- Kyle Delos Reyes: 1st Dan Bo Taekwondo*
- Morgan Restell: (1st Dan Taekwondo)*
- Gemma Shipway: 1st Dan Taekwondo*
- Hudson Wilmot: 1st Dan Bo Taekwondo*
- Maya Edwards: 1st Poom Bo Taekwondo*
- 2008: Yellow Belt (Gold), Team Silver (Newmarket)
- 2009: Red Belt (Gold), Team Bronze (Newmarket)
- 2010: Red Belt (Gold), Team Bronze (Newmarket)
- 2011: Red Belt (Gold) Team Silver (Newmarket)
- 2015: Team Coach Gold (Newmarket)
- 2016: Team Coach Gold (Newmarket)
- 2017: Team Coach Gold (Newmarket), Team Coach Bronze (Kenmore)
- 2018: Team Coach Gold (Kenmore), Team Coach Bronze (Newmarket)
- 2019: Team Coach Gold (Kenmore), Team Coach Bronze (Newmarket)
- 2020: Team & Players Coach Gold (Kenmore), Team Coach Silver (Newmarket)
- 2021: Team & Players Coach Gold (Newmarket), Team Coach Silver (Kenmore)
- 2022: Team & Players Coach Gold (Newmarket), Team Coach Silver (Kenmore)
- 2023: Team Coach Gold (Kenmore), Team Coach Silver (Newmarket)
- Gold Coast Open 2012 (Qld, Australia - International) : Poomsae (Gold), Sparring (Silver)
- UC Invitational Championship (California USA) 2012: Poomsae (Gold), Sparring (Silver)
- Gold Coast Open 2013 (Qld, Australia - International): Poomsae (Silver), Sparring (Gold)
- Bézier 2013 (France): Poomsae (Silver)
- Caboolture Open 2013 (Qld, Australia): Sparring (Silver)
- Gold Coast Open 2016 (Qld, Australia - International): Poomsae (Gold)
- Gold Coast Open 2023 (Qld, Australia - International): Poomsae (Gold)
- Gold Coast Open 2024 (Qld, Australia - International): WT Poomsae (Silver)
- New Zealand Kukkiwon Cup 2024 (Tauranga, NZ- International: WT Poomsae (Gold)
- 2022: International Master Course & Dan Examiner Course (Level 3 Pass)
- 2019: Black Belts attained - all disciplines (Taekwondo, Hapkido & Kumdo)
- 2019: Masters Training Camp Korea Hapkido Federation, Kyungju Mountain, South Korea.
- 2019 Korea Hapkido Federation (Master Sung Soo Lee & Master Beom Chul Kim) Annual Hapkido Masters Training - Sydney, Australia
- 2017: ASA (Level 4) Sport Development Certification
- 2016: Sun Bae Demonstration Team Director
- 2016: NCAS (Level 2) Certification
- 2015: AIS Community Coaching General Principles (Level 1) Certification
- 2014: Completion of Sun Bae Instructor Certification